Quick Guide to Online Bingo Patterns

Bingo games are filled with fun and excitement. The number of players playing this game is growing each day due to creative themes and engaging gameplay. Sailor Bingo has a copious collection of online bingo games and also serves as one of the top bingo sites UK.

The gameplay involved in most of the bingo games are simple and to have an effective gameplay players must be aware of the patterns used in the game. By knowing these patterns even new players can have the chance to win big.

What are the different bingo patterns?

Bingo patterns are popular in bingo halls and online bingo. They usually form patterns in a 5x5 numbered grid and are based around letters like E, T, X, Y and Z, but they can also be numbers or any form of symbol, like a wine glass, windmill or other crazy ideas!

The Blackout Pattern

The blackout pattern is one of the popular patterns when playing bingo in the UK. This pattern is pretty basic and does not require huge understanding to implement it. With the blackout pattern, the player has to mark off all the boxes on the bingo card. The bingo card is made up from 25 boxes along with one blank box at the centre. The first player to mark all the boxes is the winner. This pattern is almost known to every online bingo player.

The Standard Pattern

As the name suggests, this pattern cannot be changed by the player and if the players mark the required boxes forming the pattern, then the player may hold a chance to win.

The Moving Pattern

To get the moving pattern, bingo players should have quick analysis skills and fast decision-making capacity. For example, if a player wins by making a horizontal pattern they win for the particular game and the game proceeds with another pattern, such as vertical or even with the same pattern as the last game. That’s why to win bingo in this game the players must be capable of making a quick analysis.

The Wild Bingo Pattern

On bingo sites across the UK, wild bingo patterns are hard to follow by new players as it requires a lot of skill and experience to work them out. This pattern most of the times is static but it can show up anywhere on the card, so it is hard to find where and what pattern is being formed in the gameplay.

The Crazy Bingo Pattern

Another pattern where players should be cautious is the crazy bingo pattern. This pattern is said to confuse even some of the most experienced online bingo players. Also with this pattern, players have higher chances of winning because of the additional option to rotate the patterns up to two hundred and seventy degrees. However, the player must have the experience to make the winning move in crazy bingo pattern.

Popular Bingo Patterns

The list could be endless when it comes to making up bingo patterns, but here is a list of the most popular ones we know:

  • Arrow Pattern – This pattern uses any corner to form an arrow with a diagonal line running through the middle of the card from one corner to another. Made up from 9 numbers.
  • Bell Pattern – Usually more popular at Christmas time with this themed pattern, made up of 13 numbers.
  • Candy Cane Pattern – Looks more like a question mark and is made up from 7 numbers.
  • Clock Bingo Pattern – A popular bingo pattern in bingo halls it is made up from 14 numbers and has 4 different variations.
  • Windmill Pattern – This is a very common bingo pattern amongst bingo players and is made from 17 numbers and can be played in 75 ball bingo.
  • Wine Glass Pattern - Formed with 11 numbers to resemble a wine glass shape

With bingo being such a popular game to play in the UK, Sailor Bingo has a wide range of bingo games to play, with patterns forming part of the bingo gameplay fun.

All our bingo games are updated and refreshed periodically so players can always expect to find something new and exciting to play. With jackpot bonuses and big prizes to win, there’s always a good reason to check back with our site to find a game you like.